Monday, January 25, 2010

Haiti Earthquake Strengthens My Gratitude For Life

Haiti Earthquake Strengthens My Gratitude For Life

Haiti Earthquake Strengthens My Gratitude For Life
photo source-CNN

Here we have a very heartbreaking view of surviving children, from the Haiti Earthquake ,lining up to be fed by our wonderful rescuers & support teams.
Like every one else around the world, over the last 14 days all we have been hearing on the news, is what devastation and disaster the Haiti Earthquake has caused.
As I watched broken dead bodies lay in the streets, I began to cry, as then I truly was jolted into reality. The reality of just how grateful I am for my wife ,family & Life ! Since that fateful day the Haiti Earthquake Strengthens My Gratitude For Life .

The whole disaster looks like removing in the vicinity of 200,000 people from the islands population . They were here one minute, and gone the next, just like the click of your fingers . I closed my eyes then, and clicked my fingers, at the same time imagining my family & children just vanished from my life never to be seen again and without saying goodbye. I did more than cry this time I sobbed for quite a while .

I had spent the whole of the christmas and new year period , with family I had not seen for almost 2yrs, some of them even longer, and I had special time with all my grandchildren. Now after seeing & hearing of the Haiti Earthquake , I realize just how wonderful and precious those times are . We do tend to take so much for granted in our lives. I have prayed most days for the families and injured who have to live with the grief and burdens . You never know just how well off you are until life is gone.

My Reasons For This Post
It is very sad, and I write this post, not to be morbid and make you feel bad, yet I would like to think you are at least thinking of the unfortunate ones , caught up in the Haiti Earthquake. As I stated earlier , the Haiti Earthquake Strengthens My Gratitude For Life , only as it shocked me into looking at what I have in life to be grateful for , and to never question it again as long as I live !

My Gratitude For Life
Now I would like to show you some of the reasons, that I am so grateful for what I have in life, and none of them are measured in any other way than Love . I spent time with all my immediate family over christmas , which was just magic. I think it is tragic that so many people keep putting things off , until the day like the click of your finger, the loved one you were going to call or visit is gone forever .

My Most Treasured Mate -Wife-Partner & Mother of our 4 Children.

Allen Sandra 09
Allen & Sandra

We have been to hell and back too many times to remember , Yet today after 36 yrs of marriage , our love and commitment for each other continues to grow and blossom. We have 11 grandchildren from three of our 4 children , and I want to share a couple of photograph's of them to show you what I am so grateful to have in my life .

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Six of my precious grandchildren
Can you begin to see just how well off I am in life, and how beautiful life actually is, I now am more grateful than ever before, as I have taken the time to reflect on my life, going over all my reasons and Gratitude For Life . What I have in life , money cannot buy .

My eldest son Fred's four children

I have not shown all my family and grandchildren here, yet they are all so special to myself and Sandra . My post here today is to show the world just how grateful I am for my life and all the things in it. I then look at all those innocent , unfortunate victims that were in the Haiti Earthquake, they too had families and grandchildren as they are no different to you and I . Close your eye's now, and visualize all your family and grand children gone from your life like the click of a finger or wink of an eye !

Life, while very beautiful , can also be very cruel and please take the time to look at what you have in life , while you can . What you have today could quite honestly be gone tomorrow , do not put off those calls and visits to loved ones. I am sure you may understand now , how the Haiti Earthquake Strengthens My Gratitude For Life .

Thank you for reading my post

Allen Sentance Fisherman

Allen Sentance