Moving From Book to Book.........
As I stated in my last post, Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad had pretty much shaken my foundations & created a great deal of interest in what he was claiming, so I was now on a mission to find out more. The next book was Why We Want You To Be Rich by Donald Trump & Robert Kiyosaki , this book gave the same story by both men only with a lot more enphasis on how the average person was going to be affected within the next 10 years.
They both discussed at length & then agreed that if the average person did not get an information age (21st century) education & become financially literate so they could manage their own finances, then they would be looking at a very bleak future especially at retirement.
So the penny started to drop for me & I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I could see that working my guts out was only going to make some one else wealthy while I was getting older, starting to burn out with not enough money put away to fund my retirement.
Yes 30 yrs ago you could work your gut's out & make big money which I did , not any more though. I ended up reading 13 of Roberts books and it was starting to become much clearer to me that his claims had very good authority as I did a lot of verification checking on what he was saying.
Well in my next post I aim to explain where I went from this point....see you then. is good....... join me here
Allen Sentance
It's amazing to me that now knowing what a 21st Century Education is, why it was never taught in school and still isn't is really bad luck! We graduate from school being told that we need a good job and we have to work hard so then we can retire and live a life then! That doesn't make sense to me. SOmeone got confused when they set up the education system... however, I look forward to your next post Allen... this is interesting :)
Hugs, Ange
I've enjoyed my visit to your blog, Allen. You've hit the nail on the head about the need for us to school ourselves up for the new information age.
And .. like Ange .. I am incredulous that the schools are just not setting today's youth up for 'living life as it is supposed to be'. Bad enough that we were not taught so many of these vital skills, but unforgivable when it comes to this generation.
Keep on truckin' mate .. I've enjoyed the read ..
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